Strategic Plan for FY 2025-2028
At the beginning of 2024, the WisRID Board committed to investigating the needs of its members and the interpreting community at large in Wisconsin. The Board has undertaken a thorough re-evaluation of how it can maintain relevant and useful support to both professionals and the greater community. To inform its strategic plan, WisRID conducted a survey of members and nonmembers to gather data and recommendations on the organization’s future trajectory. This data-driven approach ensures that WisRID’s initiatives are aligned with the actual needs and aspirations of the community it serves.
WisRID now shares a comprehensive Strategic Plan for FY 2025-2028, focusing on four key goals to strengthen the organization and advance the interpreting profession in Wisconsin. At the heart of this strategic plan is a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), recognizing the importance of intentionally recruiting more Deaf and BIPOC perspectives at all levels of the organization—from membership to leadership to professional development and beyond. By embedding DEI principles into every aspect of its strategic plan, WisRID aims to build a stronger, more inclusive organization that effectively supports the professional growth and community engagement of all its members.
Goal 1: Strengthen Organizational Infrastructure & Community Partnerships
WisRID desires to ensure long-term sustainability both internally and externally through financial development, volunteer and membership recruitment, and community partnerships. Objective 1.1: By June 2025, establish, re-establish, and recruit enough volunteers for committees and task forces outlined in specific areas of need per the strategic plan. Objective 1.2: Increase WisRID’s membership to 250 members by June 2026. Objective 1.3: Annually research and pursue at least one new revenue generating opportunity.
Goal 2: Advocating for the Interpreting Profession
WisRID acknowledges it is the only professional sign language interpreting membership association in the state of Wisconsin. Therefore, WisRID has a duty and responsibility for ensuring the interpreting field is represented at the state-level on issues impacting interpreters living and working in Wisconsin. Objective 2.1: Appoint a member of the WisRID Board to serve as an Advocacy Liaison by December 2024. The Advocacy Liaison will be responsible for the objectives below. Objective 2.2: By January 2025, the Advocacy Liaison will identify a comprehensive list of statewide committees, councils, and boards that have a vested interest in the sign language interpreting profession in Wisconsin. The WisRID Board will appoint representatives to serve and/or attend meetings on a regular basis where applicable. Representatives will provide the WisRID Board Advocacy Liaison summary updates on items directly impacting the interpreting community in Wisconsin. WisRID will share progress reports with membership as needed or at least once per quarter.
Goal 3: Enhance Website & Communications
WisRID is committed to developing a comprehensive communications plan to keep members and nonmembers informed about WisRID activities, events, and updates. Additionally, the goal is to develop a robust online member-only portal with increased member benefits and features. Objective 3.1:  Implement automated renewal options via a member profile along with identifying current membership status by December 2024. Objective 3.2: Create a member portal on WisRID website behind a paywall for member-only access to certain resources and information by December 2024. The member-only portal will include a library of resources, jobs board, licensure/certification information, template tools, and interpreting news updates page. Objective 3.3:  Review WisRID’s website content and develop a content update plan including both public and member-only portal pages by June 2025. Objective 3.4: Audit WisRID’s website content including both public and member-only portal pages quarterly beginning Q3 2025 (July).
Goal 4: Expand Professional Development & Networking Activities
WisRID supports continuing education for all interpreters at every level of their professional careers. This goal is intended to build a community of practice among members by offering a variety of workshop formats for a range of skill-levels and topics along with professional networking opportunities to connect members to members. Objective 4.1: Annually host at least two events outside of the annual conference intended for advance interpreting skill development and networking opportunities for members. Objective 4.2: Establish the mentoring committee and appoint a chairperson by May 2025 that will be responsible for designing, planning, and executing the establishment of the committee by January 2026. Objective 4.3: By July 2025 the WisRID executive board will do a needs assessment and feasibility study for establishing a WisRID sponsored intensive legal interpreting training program and provide a report to the membership by January 2026.