
Annual Conference 2023 Winners Helena Meyer and Leslie DeMeyer
Award nominations are accepted year-round for the annual WisRID service awards and will be presented at the annual conference.
Nomination letters should include, as appropriate:
Individual’s background of meritorious service
Participation in local, state, and national activities
Participation in professionally related activities
Any other specific types of service to WisRID or other specialized service
Minimum of a year of membership in WisRID and RID, Inc.
Send your nomination letter or link to nomination video in ASL to
Honorary Membership for an interpreter whose long time membership to WisRID, long time service to the field and/or service to WisRID are honored by receiving lifelong free membership to WisRID.
Distinguished Service Award for an interpreter who provides valuable service to the professional interpreting community.
Robert W. Horgen Award for a person, who is not an interpreter, yet provides a valuable service to WisRID.
Boyce L. Williams Award given to individuals, agencies, or organizations in recognition for meritorious service.
Eva Dicker Eiseman Illuminator Award given to individuals who "light the way" to grow connections between communities related to the interpreting profession.
Honorary MembersRobert Horgen *x Kenneth F. Huff *x David O. Watson x Evelyn Zola *x Eve Dicker-Eiseman Pamela Sue Conine (2022) Jim Hagan (2022) Leslie DeMeyer (2023) Stephanie Zito (2024) * Deaf or hard of hearing x deceased
Distinguished MembersLucille Olson (1975) Eleanor Collins (1977) Belle (Toni) Sullivan (1979) Eva Dicker (1981) Leo Dicker (1983) Margaret James (1984) Stephanie Kerkvliet (1991) Tim Mumm (1994) Doris Nyquist (1996) Beth Meyer (1997) Bambi Riehl (1998) Joanne Vandenbush (1999) Brenda Walker (2000) Sarah Benton (2002) Theresa Schmechel (2008) Kate Block (2015) Leia Sparks (2017) Sarah Grabko (2022)
Robert W. Horgen AwardEvelyn Zola (1982) David Watson (1983) Marianna Kuglitsch (1984) Arvilla Rank (1986) Edith Simons (1991) Marian Ecklund (1994) Alisha Bronk (1996) Hollie Barnes (2024)
Boyce L. Willilams AwardBoyce L Williams (1982) Nancy Hagen (1983) Milwaukee Young Lawyers' Association (1983) Norma Letourneau (1984) University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - ITP (1984) Patricia Twitchell Gondek (1986) Senator Brian Rude (1991) The Golden Arrow Bowhunters (1993, 1996) Mary Wright (1998) Professional Interpreting Enterprise, LLC (1999) Helena Meyer (2023)
Eva Dicker Eiseman Illuminator AwardEva Dicker Eiseman (2024)